Once again we see how sick this country is when it comes to race. America is mentally ill.
I often annoy my DU family by pointing out the insidious form of racism that exists today. A lot of it is unintentional, and a lot of it is institutional.
The general proposition is that this country is so awash in white supremacy, that a lot of whites (and some nonwhites) have a hard time, seeing it much less understanding it. The phrase we use is "Fish don't see the water they swim in".
Listen to all of the defenders of Rush Limbaugh. I won't bore you with the ridiculous details, but they are very creative. They've sparked a national debate all over again about "political correctness" which, as far as I'm concerned, is a term invented for the express purpose of flipping race issues.
Now I've seen white people flip race issues before that I thought were ridiculous, for example, they have convinced themselves that affirmative action makes them a "victim".
But I gotta give it to them for this one.
To sell to the public, that black quarterbacks in the NFL, have it easier because of political correctness is beyond all imagination. It is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Black athletes need affirmative action to play in the NFL? My God. Is there no shame among these people?
You guys can't even imagine the suffering that black people experienced when, overjoyed at seeing a black quarterback play, ey had to sit through racist commentating ALL THE DAMN TIME. Black quarterbacks always "threw the ball too hard." But if a white quarterback could throw like that, "Oh wow, he has a cannon for an arm".
I wonder how people would react if someone said that John Elway was overrated because he was white.
A lot of white people have wanted to become "victims" so bad they can taste it. And when white people become "victims", then Jeezus, watch out, Holy Hell, by God somebody's gonna hurt. Whatever it takes to avenge white victimhood is acceptable. Excused, doubletalked whatever.
That's what's scary about 9-11. America became a "victim" clothed with righteousness. The fury was unleashed, and Bush is playing it like a violin. Wearing the flag like a sheet.
HERE'S A CLUE: If you saw nothing nasty and racist about what Rush Limbaugh said, then you know that you have a lot ot that "institutional" or "unintentional" racism in you. You don't mean to be racist, and you don't think you are, but...