I just want to make sure this is okay to send. I am not much of a writer as many of you know...lol. I am just asking for a bit of input. Thanks.
I started with a congratulations on his recent marriage. Then:
Congressman Kucinich,
I am writing to you today with concern of what has gone on in the gulf since Hurricane Katrina hit that region last week.
Today is Friday, September 2nd, five days after the devastation. The relief is just arriving; coincidentally with the arrival of the President. Was this planned? Did hundreds of people die waiting for this staged "effort".
I understand that gathering supplies, equipment and personal can take some time, but the possibility of this tragedy happening has been known for many years and it was known that Hurricane Katrina was heading for that region last Friday, if not before. How come there was nothing done in preparation for this? How come the President went to parties, played guitars and enjoyed his vacation while the streets of New Orleans were being washed into the sea?
Will there be an investigation into the ineptness of this administration concerning their lack of action leading up to, during and after the hurricane hit? Will anyone in Washington question the administration as to why Louisiana's disaster budget was raped to help pay for the President's illegal and corrupt war? Will anyone ask them why we are not any safer now from a national tragedy than we were on September 10, 2001?
There are many questions that will have to be asked and answered here after the major relief effort is over.
Congressman Kucinich, I have followed your career since you were Mayor of our city, I have watched you take on the big business and the power elitists. I have known you to be a man for the people and to do what you have always thought was in the best interest of the American people. I am asking you to please, for the sake of the millions of Americans suffering during this time because of the lack of leadership of this administration to ask the questions that we deserve answers to.
Thank you, Respectfully,