Copyright 2005, by Mark G. Levey
New Orleans, September 2. Major media is reporting that newly-arrived National Guard troops are not allowing relief workers to enter the city, and have been barring refugees from trying to leave.
I am not a public health or infectious diseases expert, but this is what I think is motivating the decision to shut down evacuation and relief efforts.
The germs that cause Cholera and Typhoid are already incubating inside of large numbers of the survivors. There is no way to effectively isolate and treat all of those infected if they were allowed to simply evacuate and disperse in large numbers.
The fear is of a nationwide spread of deadly contagious diseases. The people of NOLA are being quarantined. The expectation is that virtually all will be dead within 5-7 days. Whether or not waters recede, they will find a way to burn what's left of the city.
This is not necessary. After the Tsunami in December, there was no comparable effort to contain the affected population by the use of troops. But, post-event diseases killed are estimated to have killed more people than the tidal wave itself.
This from the Agency France Press, "Chronology of the Asian Tsunami Disaster". Jan. 13, 2005. :
"-- DEC 29 --
The World Health Organisation warns there could be as many deaths due to disease spreading as a result of the catastrophe as caused by the tsunamis.
The death toll rises to 80,000."
That may be the grim calculus that's driving these strange actions by the authorities. I hope I'm wrong, and encourage debate on this subject.
Initially by neglect, and then by incompetence, and now by active measures, the Bush Administration and the Republican-controlled Congress are killing the predominently poor, black survivors of a great natural disaster that has turned a once great American city into a giant toxic sewage and chemical waste dump.