This is unreal, go read this guys bio and post, he seems a bit, um taken with me.
Greg writes:
"Also spotted, a clumsy Russian woman sifts through the debris for a plate of blame. "We are, in effect, being led from disaster to disaster by a headless horseman run amok with stuffed pockets and an empty conscience, " says Larisa Alexandrovna, who when questioned, claimed she was a poet. "You wouldn't know it," came the response, which confused her, because it actually rhymed (in iambic pentameter)."
My response you ask (should he care to post it in his comments):
"Nice to see the muscle man stereotype alive and swelling with idiocy. If you are going to quote me, I suggest you do it at least somewhat accurately. I was questioned and responded that I was a poet? How odd, could you please provide evidence of this as I am not finding it in my own comments. Perhaps you fell asleep while drooling over the big words in the dictionary?
Also, I am not Russian, but thanks for READING LIKE A BIG BOY. My plate of “blame” as you call it is nothing short of pure outrage, period. However what you are doing is simply telling us to sit quietly, yes? Watch people die and just sit quietly?
While you are attempting to figure out iambs and such, you might consider that your need to include me in your bio speaks tombs of the “blame plate.” In essence it is a “please read my blog” plate that you are handing around, like a male version of Coulter, on steroids. Were you hoping that I would be clumsy some more and not respond to your badly written, badly timed, oddly disingenuous comments? Get a grip, dear muscles, you are not worthy of my iambs, should I happen to actually indulge in writing rhyme."
Fellow DU folk, do let this twit know that silence in the face of horror and suffering is NOT an option!!!