I was with a client a while ago, and like every other real American, he was completely pissed off about what is (and what is NOT) happening. He's frustrated because his physical limitations keep hem from hands-on help (he has terminal cancer and a just operated on shoulder), but he and some associates of his are working on pulling something together in the way of medium-to-long term help.
Together, they have several thousand square feet of available storage space (not air conditioned). Then they plan to use the storage space to gather together a few needed items. The plan they are formulating is, loosely, as follows:
Get the local tv and radio stations to donate some commercial air time to call for those about to hold garage sales to instead donate what they can to the cause. Things that will obviously be needed include utinsils, appliances, warm clothing (remember, winter will be here soon!), cots and furniture, and anything that is not immediately needed that can help a displaced family start over.
Direct monetary donations would be appreciated, also-- instead of giving to Pat Robertson and the Red Cross (sorry, but the Cross seems to be less than useless at the moment), start a central fund for direct help to those who need immediate financial aid. This might include paying for bus and airline tickets to those who have places to go but no money to get there with, to name a couple basic needs that wil doubtlessly come up a few times. This, obviously, would require an honest central coordinator of some sort-- I personally recommend kicking any politicos out the door if they show up wanting to "help".
Donated items may be either freely given as needed, or perhaps auctioned off to raise more money. I don't really know how all this would be set up, but I'm sure you get the general idea as to where this is going.
This would be the perfect opportunity for those who have and don't need to give back to those who need but don't have. This basic plan could be fleshed out in several different ways.
When/if my client and his friends manage to pull their plan together, I'll be glad to post contact info for this area (Dallas Texas). Other cities may either work independently or coordinate with other centers.
IMHO this could work. The best part about this is, it bypasses all the politicians and established organizations that have fallen on their faces. Since those in Washington seem to want it this way anyway, so be it. We now have a chance to prove to the world that we really ARE the best when it really comes down to it.
Besides, have you looked at all the junk in your garage and attic lately? I mean, really. Do you honestly NEED that beer fridge and that sack of clothing nobody wears any more? And what about that window-mounted air conditioner in the back room that nobody ever uses? And all those old pots and pans collecting dust under the kitchen sink......