Noise may help fight crime
Military-use loudspeakers demonstrated at Plant 42
Charles F. Bostwick, Staff Writer
LA Daily News
PALMDALE - Police facing rock-throwing rioters or drug dealers refusing to exit a crack house may soon have a new recourse: ultrapowerful loudspeakers designed for the U.S. military.
Created to let soldiers and sailors hail approaching vehicles or boats while still safely hundreds of yards away, the high-tech loudspeakers can also emit powerful, nerve-jarring tones that can turn back a mob or chase a gunman from his hide-out.
"We know the human brain is sensitive to certain frequencies. It's like squeaking chalk on a blackboard, or scraping your fingers across a blackboard, and everybody winces," Los Angeles County sheriff's Cmdr. Sid Heal said. "You can use it similarly to an electric broom to move the rioters out of the way."
On Thursday, sheriff's officials along with officials from the Army's Picatinny Arsenal, the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force and even the United Kingdom gathered at Air Force Plant 42 to watch demonstrations of high-tech loudspeakers. San Diego-based American Technology Corp. showed off its Long Range Acoustic Device - a circular loudspeaker about three feet in diameter and eight inches thick - that it designed after the October 2000 suicide boat attack on the U.S. Navy destroyer Cole.
Four of the American Technology's loudspeakers were donated Thursday to equip a Marine Corps military police unit headed to the Gulf Coast in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. HPV has also offered its midsize experimental loudspeaker for use in Louisiana. F. Bostwick, (661) 267-5742