It is now up to Private Sector to fill this leadership void created by the Commander and Chief. There is speculation floating that this move was to prevent looting by the rumored nefarious thief General Welfare. Vice President Dick Cheney's love child Hal E. Burton was presented with a plastic bag. Donald Rumsfeld shook his hand and turned him loose in the Treasury Department Candy Shop. Once Hal E. Burton had filled his belly, mouth, deep pockets, and bag. General Welfare stopped the love child at the Treasury Department door and asked Hal if he would please leave some Candy for America. General Welfare is now facing Court Martial for trying to steal candy from Dick Cheney's Baby.
Bush Finally finds WMD's....in New Orleans, La.
The Bush Administration found Weather of Mass Destruction in New Orleans. Much to their surprise. We never thought of looking for it there. Was the federal malaise. Yes there were sign. But the letters weren't big enough for us to read all the way over here in Washington, DC. President Bush said, I'm no longer concerned with Usama Bin Laden. It's God I fear now.
The Architect Karl Rove has issued a cheery forecast for the NOLA area. This will be will be another Bush Administration "catastrophic success." Go Bush! To hell with them! Give us an R seat! Sandbag those Democrats!
Meanwhile Military Units from all over America have moved into the NOLA area to begin sorting through Cubic Tons of Debri's and possibly Tens of Thousands of dead. As they begin to bring back Democracy to the NOLA Area.