Edited on Fri Sep-02-05 05:16 PM by LanternWaste
Just received a call from my mother who works for the Texas Department of Human Services--
In Fort Worth, the Department of Human Services (Eligibility Office) is staying open throughout the holiday weekend (unprecedented!). They've gotten slammed today with out-of-state applicants who have received waivers from Gov. Goodhair to get expedited foodstamps (in other words- same day service). However the lines are incredibly long and the applicants are disoriented, confused, frightened, thirsty, tired, dirty and hungry.
I'm about to leave and meet her at the grocery store to get some cases of water, juice, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soaps, etc. We're taking it to DHS (Department of Human Services, not the *other* DHS). Many workers who do not work in Eligibility will be doing the same thing.
If you live in the Texas or Oklahoma sticks and can't get way this weekend but still feel the necessity to help, call your local DHS office and ask them if they are doing the same thing. If they are not, ask them if they would like to and that you would like to help.
If you live anywhere in Texas, get cases of water, juice, canned goods, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, etc.
To me, this is nothing more than a drop in the bucket, but at least it's helping someone who needs the help cope a wee bit better. I'm dirt poor (really, really poor) but I donated the OT pay I got from last week to the Red Cross. If my water gets turned off, so be it... I won't die. Since I don't have a lot of money, I'll be volunteering my skinny-ass muscles to off-load and distribute this stuff.
Call every church in your neighborhood. Ask them what they are doing and how you can help. Hate Christianity and organized religion? So the fuck what & grow the fuck up! Churches have an inherent capacity for organization and charity works that you wouldn't believe. So set aside your silly notions of "Christian's are stupid and worship a Sun God" and make the damn calls.
We can play "whose religion is better?" again when things stabilize, but right now there are organizations, both secular and religious, who are poised to help if they get the manpower.
I have a three day weekend. This is what I'll be doing. What are you going to do? (for the subtlety-challenged amongst us, that was a rhetorical question)
On Edit: the majority of the Eligibility Workers working this weekend will be losing there jobs within the next five months because of the Governor's state welfare policy, yet are still sucking it up and doing an Absolute Good Thing.