Edited on Fri Sep-02-05 10:35 PM by growlypants
Goddamnit, I AM AN AMERICAN!!!!!! And I will scream this from my windows, I will erect a pulpit on a downtown streetcorner and preach this, I will slam my FIST IN RAGE on any counter and spray spittle on all those around me. I......AM......AN......AMERICAN!!!!!!! And I will be DAMNED if these sonofabitch CROOKS, these, these LIARS, these theives and killers and SCUM that have overtaken my country will NOT, I repeat WILL NOT TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME!!!!!! I will NOT allow this criminal Bu$hCo. to stiffle my patriotism and my DAMN RIGHTS!!! We cannot CANNOT let these people take our rights away from us AS THEY HAVE DONE TO THE PEOPLE.....THE BLACK PEOPLE.....IN NOLA!!!! I am soooo horribly embarassed by what is being done IN OUR NAME by this horrid, putrid, GESTAPO LIKE government. They are killing these people..plain and simple. Its down right RACISM.Nothing more, nothing less. They should just string up lynching posts on Bourbon street. GET IT OVER WITH!!! WHY SLOWLY STARVE THEM TO DEATH...JUST HANG THEM you KKK Fuckers you goddamn skinhead nazi scumbags. Oh jesus, I have oficially gone over the deep end. And to criticize this MAYOR??? FOR WHAT??!!! FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH??!!! FUCK YOU Limbaugh, fuck you Hannity, Savage, Prager, Hewitt, and every other satanic prick who has sold their soul to this damn Bu$hCo. I hope they take your foul, corrupt souls and perpetrate upon YOU exactly what they are perpetrating upon these starving POOR PEOPLE!!!! Not everyone is lucky enough to have money to buy baseball teams and oil companies and the PRESIDENCY!!!! Some of us fall on hard times, cant afford a car, cant afford the insurance,cant afford the price of FUCKING GASOLINE!!!!!!! Some people have drug problems (sound familiar BU$H, you coke-jaw freak???) but that doesnt make them FODDER FOR YOUR EVIL PLANS!!! You will NOT take over my country!! YOU WILL NOT. For we are ALL AMERICANS here and we will NOT STAND FOR THIS SHIT ANYMORE!! Time for action is UPON US!! Call your senators, call your congressmen, talk in the streets to EVERYONE!! GET THE MESSAGE OUT. Email, fax, phone, SKYWRITE!!!! FUCKING SEND UP SMOKE SIGNALS...USE SIGN LANGUAGE I dont CARE how you do it, JUST GET THE MESSAGE OUT!! My country will NOT be overrun by these brainwashed religious zealots, whose minds are more rotten than the water that's flooded New Orleans. These people are SICK...this RAPTURE RIGHT is sick. SICK bastards, sick like muslim extremists. Im quite sure that if they could get away with it, one of these sick rapture right groups would GLADLY BEHEAD some poor homosexual. GLADLY!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO MY COUNTRY!!!!????? I will NOT be the next group that Bush decides is "disposable" is "useless" and that could be ANY ONE OF YOU AT ANY MOMENT FOR ANY REASON. Show up in DC on the 24th!! Bring everyone you know. We MUST MAKE the presence of we REAL AMERICANS known!!! We must demand an end to this criminal enterprise, this WAR, this financial RAPING of the American people!! TAKE BACK YOUR COUNTRY BEFORE THEY "FLOOD" THE WHOLE CONTINENT.
Wheew. Glad I got that out. :freak: :freak: :freak: :freak: