Sorry, but I don't have the DU URL, her'es what was posted, showing the civil war in the Free Republic: _
Well....that wasn't much...
73 posted on 09/02/2005 6:04:47 AM PDT by Loud Mime (War is Mankind's way of ridding the world of the tyranny caused by liberalism)
That was quick.....
74 posted on 09/02/2005 6:05:14 AM PDT by OXENinFLA
That was flat out embarrassing. What the hell was that?
75 posted on 09/02/2005 6:05:31 AM PDT by ShadowDancer (Stupid people make my brain sad.)
The results are Not acceptable...and Bush is going to take it on the chin. He screwed this up (whether he did or not).
90 posted on 09/02/2005 6:06:46 AM PDT by Pondman88
Is it going to be another fluff speech or is actually going to announce that we're sending in the 101st to clean house?
97 posted on 09/02/2005 6:07:41 AM PDT by oldvike
The speech was worse than I thought.
Terrible reaction to a massive disaster.
This is a speech that should not have been given--better to give no speech at all. Boy did this give the libs fodder!
I wish the President Bush would have said how $500 million a day is being spent by FEMA. I don't see $500 million a day by FEMA for the disaster. Does anybody else?
The RATs are disgraceful and I believe all this "speech" did was give them fodder to raise hell.
102 posted on 09/02/2005 6:09:07 AM PDT by Dont_Tread_On_Me_888 (Bush's #1 priority Africa. #2 priority appease Fox and Mexico . . . USA priority #64.)
The problem is, these kinds of conversations are happening all over the US right now. And it's not just "hicks" and Democrats who are having them.
Bush is in serious trouble. This Katrina disaster is a torpedo aimed at the heart of his presidency. If the administration doesn't WAKE UP to the frustration, disappointment, desperation, and outrage that are building over this, it will be a disaster for the Republican party.
106 posted on 09/02/2005 6:09:35 AM PDT by cicero's_son
This is a huge mistake, he has no reason to be there, it will draw a number of needed security personnel away from where they are needed most, its a PR stunt, and a bad one, he ought to send his own helicopter in for search and rescue.
One of the many things I can't stand about Bush is that he learned a lot from Bill Clinton when it comes to photo ops. It's style over substance, baby!
107 posted on 09/02/2005 6:09:35 AM PDT by billclintonwillrotinhell
I'm beginning to think he's a man of few words and fewer actions. I'm really trying to pull for GWB, but his handling of major crisis issues lately leaves a lot to be desired.
134 posted on 09/02/2005 6:13:17 AM PDT by GeorgiaDawg
I agree. However, we sometimes want and expect our President to offer comforting words. Especially in times of hardship or tragedy.
It's part of the job description, and right now Bush is failing miserably in that department.
140 posted on 09/02/2005 6:14:00 AM PDT by cicero's_son
Michael Brown, on the TODAY show, basically admitted that he was clueless going in, and is still clueless. Katie Couric had him cornered like a whipped dog.
I'm beginning to turn on this thing. If there is not some visible presence of the Guard and the Military today, and the sky is not filled with helicopters and the ground covered with buses, then one has to conclude that nobody is in charge.
151 posted on 09/02/2005 6:15:55 AM PDT by sinkspur (We who have been given much must help those who now have nothing.)
" I've been a big Bush supporter, but who are the nitwits he's hired to run FEMA?"
But don't forget...the Bush Administration created the Homeland Security dept which is over FEMA. Just another layer of government to screw up and they are screwing up BIG TIME!
161 posted on 09/02/2005 6:17:56 AM PDT by Cricket24 ("We have met the enemy and it's the U.S. press (and the democrats)!")
He says something like that, the Repubs will lose the House and the Senate in 2006.
166 posted on 09/02/2005 6:18:36 AM PDT by nyconse (a)
Angcat, it's not just "these people" who are growing uncomfortable with the President's handling of the situation. It's the whole damned country, many Republicans and conservatives included.
I'm not saying "he's finished." There is still time for him to gain control of the situation. But he needs to change his approach and change it quickly.
171 posted on 09/02/2005 6:19:30 AM PDT by cicero's_son
How? We can't sugarcoat this. I do not understand why this spech was given in that it really did not add anything. All this speech did was give the RATs more to scream about.
I get the impression that Bush and his advisors are so sweamped and the situation of violence in New Orleans so bad that too little thought was put into this speech.
It should not have been given. A better prepared specch should have been delivered.
172 posted on 09/02/2005 6:19:39 AM PDT by Dont_Tread_On_Me_888 (Bush's #1 priority Africa. #2 priority appease Fox and Mexico . . . USA priority #64.)
Let's see...handling of Iraq War, gasoline prices (before the hurricane, certainly now), wants to reform tax code but hasn't presented anything, Social Security (that seems to have faded)...
Don't get me wrong...I LIKE GWB, but he's not the best at taking "conceptions" and turning them into reality. He needs to surround himself with less yes men and more "do-ers"
175 posted on 09/02/2005 6:19:50 AM PDT by GeorgiaDawg
I am a huge Bush supporter but I really dont think he has stepped up to the plate quick enough on this one. Yes the democrat idiots in Louisiana have been no help before or after the Hurricane but Bush will end up taking a big fall if he does not get this situation under control TODAY. People are going to really start dropping like flies the next few days and those are images that will stick with the American people forever. 100 years from now people are not going to go "Who was New Orleans mayor then why didn't he do anything?" they will go "Who was the President then, why didn't he do anything?"
177 posted on 09/02/2005 6:20:07 AM PDT by Boogieman69
Yep. And Michael Brown said on TODAY that the additional 30,000 Guard troops would "be there by Monday."
I realize there's not a lot of area to stage things, but where the hell are the logistics people from the military? These guys can figure this stuff out on the fly.
Brown is in over his head, Blanco is in over her head, and Nagin is completely worthless. And Chertoff's bureaucrat-speak is getting on my nerves. Where's Bernie Kerik when you need him?
There needs to be order restored and massive food drops, TODAY!!
If there's not, and people are dying on the streets, then I'm going to have conclude that nobody is in charge.
181 posted on 09/02/2005 6:20:53 AM PDT by sinkspur (We who have been given much must help those who now have nothing.)
I am not "on his back".
The world is awaiting words from thel eader of the nation. The assumption was that if the leader speaks, the magnatude of this crisis leads one to assume the speech will have some meat to it.
This speech (or these remarks) had no "meat" to it, so I say it just should not have been given to a more fully prepared and longer speech was delivered. The nation deserves that due to the magnatude of the crisis.
Please understand.
202 posted on 09/02/2005 6:23:43 AM PDT by Dont_Tread_On_Me_888 (Bush's #1 priority Africa. #2 priority appease Fox and Mexico . . . USA priority #64.)
I just don't understand why Bush's confidence and verve have disappeared: again this morning, he was halting, disconnected, and unsure of himself.
Remember his second and third Kerry debate performances? That's the confidence and fire we need.
205 posted on 09/02/2005 6:24:11 AM PDT by oldfarmer (Mark 16:17-18)
He should have spoke to nation on Monday night.
209 posted on 09/02/2005 6:24:48 AM PDT by YvetteSmirnoff
I like the man, I voted for him twice but Christ he is painful to listen to Aside from all the 'um's' (which about made my head explode) he basically didn't say squat other than that this is 'unacceptable' and that he is 'looking forward' to his visit. Like it's a bar mitzvah.
216 posted on 09/02/2005 6:25:30 AM PDT by ShadowDancer (Stupid people make my brain sad.)
I totally agree. I'm a big Bush supporter, but this is ridiculous. Granted, NOLA has huge problems with crime, and all the inmates are running the show right now like some Mad Max movie. If we can't get a grip on a natural disaster, how will we respond to a terrorist attack?
We should have had military security down there immediately with a bunch of cattle trucks and semis (installed with a porta-potty) to round up all the rioters, gangbangers and looters. When evacuating the SuperDome or the NO Convention Center, leave the felons and convert it to a jail.
Water, first aid, radios, and MREs should be airdropped to the areas of need.
Drop leaflets to warn looters will be shot. Make an example of one.
Get Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson down there calm down the populace.
Restoring order is not rocket science... it just takes initiative and guts.
234 posted on 09/02/2005 6:28:56 AM PDT by foobarred
Then somebody should be saying that. Half of this effort is perception. And the perception is that nobody knows what the hell they're doing.
There are no explanations, there's no reassurance, there's no detailing of logistics, there's no timetables (other than to say that the 30,000 Guardspeople will be in place THREE DAMNED DAYS from now).
Look, I love this president, but he has two people in charge of the worst single disaster to ever face this country who have ZERO experience with disasters.
Forget Blanco and Nagin. They should be shoved to the side, and somebody who will inspire some confidence should become the face of this response. Chertoff is not it, Brown is not it, and, unfortunately, Bush is not it, so far.
235 posted on 09/02/2005 6:29:12 AM PDT by sinkspur (We who have been given much must help those who now have nothing.)