before the storm:
Hugo Chavez.
I can't remember when I read it (yesterday morning?) and I can't remember when Chavez actually said it, but the first place at DU where I read the criticism of the government for ordering an evacuation but then telling poor people to go to the Superdome rather than accomodating for the fact they didn't have money or resources to leave town was an article probably in LBN with Chavez making that comment.
It's interesting that nobdy at DU or in the MSM was tuned into this. It took Chavez to point that out -- a guy who leads a country which was, when he was first elected, one of three most wealth-polarize countries in the world and one with deep racial divides and a person who has made it his mission to reduce that polarization and erase the racial divides. And now, I think people are realizing that this is the root truth about what happened.
If anyone at DU asked that question before then, they should realize that they overcame the brainwashing job our culture does on us to make us not realize these class divides and inequalities exist.