's%20America%20By%20Mike%20Whitney.htmThe Unraveling of Bush's America
By Mike Whitney
Al-Jazeerah, September 3, 2005
Take a step back for a minute, then take a deep breath, because what we are seeing now is the beginning of the end of America’s darkest hour; the end of the Bush Administration. Bush will never survive this disaster; the tectonic political-plates have shifted too dramatically; the failure too colossal. Nearly overnight the familiar voices that sang his praises from every media pulpit in America have either been silenced or turned against him. It is truly extraordinary; and a tad suspicious. The friendly cheerleaders are bailing-out across the spectrum; NBC, CBS, MSNBC and even the “bullish” FOX News have all descended on their prey like feral dogs on a wounded squirrel. Suddenly the callousness and rustic hauteur of our esteemed leader, the “Fly-over” President, seems to be wearing-thin on leaders and pundits alike. They smell blood in the water and they are preparing to do what they do best; dismember the flailing carcass with gnashing, razor-like teeth. But, why the abrupt change?
Can anyone remember a time when the government has failed as miserably as it has with Hurricane Katrina? While tens of thousands of desperate Americans are hunkered down in 90 degree heat without food or water, President Imposter is circling at 30 thousand feet blowing kisses to his drowning people below. Bush has become a Texas Louis 14, completely detached in his bubble-world echoing the shallow bromides of his ideological predecessor, “Apres moi, le deluge”.
His first response to the storm was to suspend the EPA’s clean air restrictions on the profitable oil industry and to promise government aid for offshore drilling facilities. No surprises there. The second part of the administration’s strategy was to work up an elaborate public relations charade that involved trotting out every waffle-bottomed bureaucrat in Washington in front of the TV cameras to make officious–sounding statements. Meanwhile, nothing has been done to relieve the desperation of victims in New Orleans who are suffering through America’s greatest natural disaster. In fact, that appears to be the strategy; do nothing! Many of the reports that are being filed mention that National Guard installations are set up just blocks away from the Superdome and the Convention Center; the epicenter of the human tragedy, and yet, the Guard is doing nothing to meet the needs of the people inside. Why? Many people are asking if it is because they are predominantly black and poor. Certainly as we see the footage of poor, black people dragging across the city, 3 days without food and water and no busses in sight; we have to wonder if there is a racial element involved.
I especially loved the "President Fly Over" part.
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