Your mention of the Warsaw Ghetto is chillingly apt, IMO. Folks, we're going to have to get our stuff together and resist. Some months ago ,amu DUers were saying to themselves and asking other DUers, "When do we know it's time to leave the country, if that's what we think we need to do?" I'm thinking to myself this morning that this is the time to start working on that with some seriousness IF that's your strategy (and I'm neither encouraging nor discouraging that -- I believe it's a personal decision).
What sent me 'round the bend was the news that the Super Dome's evacuation had stopped with about 2000 people still left in it. Now, on its own that doesn't seem like such a big deal. After all, perhaps they needed to wait for more buses. Or something. Except that NOTHING, none of the inadequacies that have gone on so far have been properly explained by normal failures or even incompetence. (And if you doubt that, you might want to look at some of the evidence I've been accumulating here:, this was no doubtedly yet another intentional maneuver. Why? Well, let's look at it. We know that the reports of violence and civil disorder have been exaggerated. Why was that? I believe it was at least two-fold: (a)to help make the people of NO responsible for their own deaths (blame the vicitm), and (b) to give the administration an excuse for martial law. And I believe all THAT was done or planned in the wake of this natural disaster partly as a test case, as a lab experiment. So when I heard the news about the cessation of evacuation, almost instantly I got an image in my head of these poor people as lab rats, nothing more to this admin, just lab rats.
Here's something I hope everyone will read -- or re-read if they haven't read it before. It's a bit of an explanation of how the Germans could "allow" what happened in the 1930s:
They Thought They Were Free other thing coming to mind mind today is these quotes:
Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never has, and never will. -Frederick Douglass
And this remarkable off-the-cuff response from Harry Belafonte, upon being asked in a television interview how to survive political repression. I was so taken with it I had the presence of mind to jot it down after he said it:
Do not submit. In is extremely critical that repression be met head on and that it be resisted with every fiber in our being. There is absolutely no compromise that can be made with it. As a matter of fact, compromise is what oppression feeds on. Without compromise, it would be defeated. -- Harry Belafonte