Mary Landrieu has asked Bush to appoint a Federal coordinator for rebuilding NOLA and the Gulf coast, and this scares the hell out of me.
Last night I watched a snippet of that horrible Crosby woman's show, and the had a Republican congressman on who was pushing for Rudy. Crosby, of course, huffed and puffed her approval. We may see a bit of manufactured groundswell from our corporate media for Rudy should Bush actually take Landrieu's suggestion - and he well may, given that public confidence in FEMA is at rock bottom.
Personally, I can visualize a crony of Cheney's being given this position, and billions of our tax dollars being drained into the pockets of GOP contributors at the same hugely inflated rates that we're seeing in Iraq. And, like Baghdad, we'll see very little results from this money after Cheney's friends have taken their cuts.
I wish we could start a groundswell for a non-partisan appointment - to force Bush to for once be a 'unter' and bring a Democrat on board. Personally, I'd love to see Wes Clark take this on - I think he'd be terrific - and he might avoid the rampant corruption that would be inevitable with a Cheney pal.
I just don't want to resign myself yet to the fact that our tax dollars for the rebuilding will be drained into the pockets of Halliburton et al with little to show for it.