I said, in conversation, a few days ago I wouldn’t be surprised to see widespread fires and building collapses after most of the evacuees were gone.
Fires burn along river; thousands wait to leave
http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/09/03/katrina.impact/index.htmlLet’s start at the beginning…the way I see it. ;)
Sunday, Aug. 28
100,000 people or more needed to be evacuated as they do not have the means to get out of the city on their own.
The post-flood Superdome evacuation started about midnight Wed. night (60 hours ago) and only 15,000-20,000 have been evac’d from there (5,000 remain)
Now, extrapolate that out to 100,000 people and they would have had to have started the evacuation sometime back around the middle of August (there was no Katrina back then.)
Also, I’ve read posts on other boards (like nola and wwltv) of people in that area discussing this topic and, in some districts, the keys are locked in a safe and that most of the city employees were already ordered out.
The NOLA emergency plan doesn’t include public transportation out of the city, only public transportation to temporary shelters which is exactly what they offered.
And remember, Mayor Nagin was requesting outside assistance to provide security for the process and received little or none. The city, itself, cannot provide security to escort and control 100,000, esp. when they just evacuated 80% of the city.
Now, toss these into the mix:
Time to end the doubt. Letter from Gov. Blanco to Pres. Bush - 8/28
http://gov.louisiana.gov/Disaster%20Relief%20Request.pdfCongress Likely to Probe Guard Delay
(White House delays National Guard approval until Thursday)
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/katrina_national_guard6pm Friday
President Propaganda holds photo-op conference in New Orleans RIGHT when troops and supplies roll into New Orleans
11am Saturday
Convention Center airlift begins. President Propaganda holds radio address AT THE SAME MOMENT
Plus all of this:
Red Cross not allowed into New Orleans for total BS reason!Start here:
http://www.redcross.org/faq/0,1096,0_682_4524,00.html#4524Then go here:
http://dailykos.com/story/2005/9/2/2125/04978And follow up with this:
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/9/3/02454/07418(one of the comments seems to indicate the Salvation Army has adopted this “work in progress” policy change, too)
Also, notice anything interesting in the political contributions of the Chairman of the Red Cross?
Troops begin combat operations in New Orleans
WWL TV is showing video of fires all over the city now (Saks Fifth Avenue, Waterfront, Canal St., chemical plant along the river, homes all over the city, and now a wharf along the river, .)
Do you see the pattern forming?