A sample of articles from newspapers throughout the world.
http://www.watchingamerica.com/Blaming Bush
Saturday September 3, 2005
The Guardian
Hurricane Katrina has cruelly demonstrated the awesome power of nature and the havoc it can wreak on the proudest efforts of humankind. It has also exposed the United States government, and George Bush at the head of it, to charges of badly mishandling what looks like being one of the country's worst ever natural disasters. Unlike what happened after the September 11 terrorist attacks, partisan warfare has already broken out over the waterlogged catastrophe that is New Orleans and the battered coast of Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama. This is a crisis in full spate - as shown by shocking images of bodies floating in putrid water and desperate refugees scrabbling to catch supplies dropped by helicopter. America is the richest and most powerful country on earth. But its citizens, begging for food, water and help, are suffering agonies more familiar from Sudan and Niger. The worst of the third world has come to the Big Easy.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/katrina/story/0,16441,1561993,00.htmlHurricane Katrina - Too little, too late from US government
THE frightening thing about the catastrophe of New Orleans is that the world’s only super power cannot cope.
In the wake of possibly the worst natural disaster in US history, America is struggling to come to grips with the devastation after hurricane Katrina swamped the city, claiming thousands of lives.
In a calamity of biblical proportions, the question that refuses to go away is why the administration of President George W Bush responded so inadequately to a disaster that was waiting to happen.
Could the fact that the population of New Orleans is predominantly both black and poor explain why the city’s anti-flood defences were ill-prepared? The reality is that money earmarked to strengthen dams was diverted elsewhere.
http://www.irishexaminer.com/pport/web/opinion/Full_Story/did-sgBrwFlltozussglO-LCk0lQvU.aspBush 'Criminally Insane'
To no one's surprise, Havana has a distinct dislike for the administration of George W. Bush. In this op-ed from Cuba's Juventud Rebelde, the case for having Bush committed as insane is made using the latest polling data from AP-Ipso, which, the author writes, indicates that Bush's grasp of reality is in serious doubt.
Original Article (Spanish)
By Juana Carrasco Martín
August 28, 2005
“Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homocidal maniac.” The sentence is from North American writer George Orwell, and is custom made for George W. Bush and the initiating episodes of his peculiar war against terrorism: the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. He personized the enemy as Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein and set in motion his own version of criminal insanity.
http://www.watchingamerica.com/juventudrebelde000007.htmlENGLISH EXCLUSIVE: German Minister Says Part of Blame for Katrina Goes to Bush
Having sparked a veritable war of words across the Atlantic, Germany and its environment minister have come under blistering assualt for an editorial Mr. Tritten wrote for the left-leaning German daily Frankfurter Rundschau. Here's what he had to say - in its entirety.
By Jeurgen Trittin
Translated By Hartmut Lau
August 30, 2005
Original Article (German)
German Environment Minister Jeurgen Trittin
Recently it was in the movies, now they’re real - the pictures of destruction that Hurricane Katrina has left in her wake remind us of nightmarish scenes from science fictions films by directors like Roland Emmerich. No single storm can be traced back to climate change, but three things can be scientifically proven beyond doubt. First, natural catastrophes are drastically increasing in frequency and magnitude. Second, climate change has made the generation of storms and floods in North America and Europe more probable. And third, mankind is contributing much to climate change by emitting greenhouse gases.
There is only one logical conclusion: greenhouse gasses must be radically reduced worldwide. To date the United States has ignored this necessity. The United States has a four percent of the world’s population and is responsible for 25 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Although their standards of living are roughly the same, the average American generates more than twice as much CO2 than the average European. Nevertheless the Bush administration, stating that international climate protection goals would damage the American economy, rejects them.
http://www.watchingamerica.com/juventudrebelde000007.htmlLots more at website: