All Nazis, by the way: Northup, Bunning, McConnell.
They're all about the same, here's the one to Mitch McConnell:
IMPEACH GEORGE W BUSH IMPEACH GEORGE W BUSH Impeach Dick Cheney Fire Michael Chertoff Fire Mike Brown
I'm going to start sending this message to you every day. But I'm going to begin attaching a picture of a different dead person every day, a baby, an elderly person, an invalid, all dead in New Orleans, all dead because of the NEGLIGENCE AND GROSS INCOMPETENCE of the entire Administration. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Mike Chertoff, and Mike Brown are guilty of tens of thousands of counts of NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE, and they must be held to account, or we must get new representation that isn't afraid of doing what is right.
Loyalty to party, or loyalty to country. It's time for you to decide, Senator McConnell. We get to make OUR decision at the polling place, and you can be certain your constituents' decisions will be made based on the decisions you make now.
With utmost sincerity,