If you can help, you dont have to live in Oregon.....
"Oregon Dems Launch Hurricane Relief Effort
Oregon Democrats: We are putting out an appeal to everyone who wants to help the victims of the hurricane.
We are in touch with other state Democratic parties who also want to help with the masses of displaced gulf coast residents being relocated to Texas. Basic necessities are badly needed. We are compiling a list based on our communications with Texas Democrats and we hope to have that list completed later today.
In the mean while, we are asking that you start coordinating among yourselves to help with this project.
We will be asking people to pack some specific items in inexpensive plastic storage boxes. We will need three distinct of boxes. One will be general toiletries. The second will be baby needs. The third will be for children especially school supplies. We understand that food, water and clothes are not needed at this time.
We will be sending a follow-up email shortly that lists the specific items needed, and instructions for how to get them to us.
Of course money is needed too, so please send money to any of the major charities:
Red Cross http:://www.redcross.org 1-800-HELP-NOW
Salvation Army
http://www.salvationarmyusa.org 1-800-SAL-ARMY
Second Harvest
http://www.secondharvest.org 1-800-771-2303
More agencies are listed at
http://www.dpo.org/relief (redirects to CNN help center)
You may contact: Cynthia Milbradt or Jesse Bontecou at relief@dpo.org. Thank you all for any help you can provide for this project.
The Democratic Party of Oregon
Please get your state Party involved