While the Bush administration blowhards regurgitate Rove`s hurricane response talking points and corporate media gradually return to lap dog status, I`ll be rooting for the real heroes of this disaster, the poor folks who somehow managed to survive this catastrophe. Catapulting into the government`s river of indifference and living to tell about it is not for the weak or pampered.
Poverty is like a giant leech and getting that thing off you is a difficult undertaking. There are no vacations, no lighthearted moments over lunch with the girls, no bulging pantries, even on holidays. It`s a tough, make-do life requiring tough, make-do people.
Imagine for a moment if the Reality Fairy had tossed George Bush into the water and handed him a couple of toddlers before she flew away to play her new guitar. Imagine Ms. Rice having to leave her new shoes behind as her porch floor gave way and sent her spiraling. Imagine Dick Cheney floating with strangers, begging for rescue, certain he`d never see Wyoming again.
Those who made it through this awful thing are some of the bravest people I`ve ever seen. I hope Americans lift them up and I hope the government that failed them is disgraced beyond redemption.