Edited on Sat Sep-03-05 05:46 PM by calipendence
If the perception of people is that our congress is part of the problem that this administration presents in terms of their criminal neglect of things as well as criminal participation in other messes, you might find a number of Republicans receptive to doing impeachment proceedings, if they felt the alternative was for them to be voted out of office in 2006, and if enough of them get voted out, then they might be faced with Nancy Pelosi taking over in president instead.
Devil's scenario for them is that Democrats take over both sides of congress in 2006, impeach both Bush and Cheney (and perhaps others), and put in place Pelosi in president, along with the house-cleaning of the executive branch that would accompany that. That also might make many of them who are involved more subject to prosecution and less apt to get a pardon from a Republican in charge were that to happen.
If they see this writing on the wall, they might try to cut a deal with the Dems where Bush and Cheney resign, and a Gerald Ford-like interim president be appointed to replace them, that would still maintain Republican control over that position, but only by one that would receive the blessing of the Democratic Party. That way, much like Ford handed out pardons to keep people like Nixon from winding up in jail, such an appointment might also hand out pardons as part of that deal as well, but also allow the Dems to clean up and "fix" the government during that timeframe too. Perhaps Chuck Hagel is attempting to look like that person by taking his anti-war stance, etc. now, though I'd personally like someone with less ties to voting machine companies.
Remember, it was a lot of Republicans that also convinced Nixon to resign too when they saw the writing on the wall then.
I think it is up to us to make it clear that that "Devil's Scenario" is a very real possibility, so that we can at least attempt to push these Republicans into that corner of wanting to negotiate a way out, if not actually have that Devil's Scenario (I should actually say "Angel's Scenario" from the point of view of the Dems and most of us people out there) play out to our advantage.