Homeland Security disaster
The events transpiring in the Gulf Coast states are saddening, and I wish those folks well. Yet there was a possibility of devastating effects, and more than ample notice was given.
I could have sworn the Department of Homeland Security was created to deal with severe situations at a moment's notice. Is this the kind of response America can expect from Homeland Security when we are attacked with no notice?
- Brandon ********, Red Bluff
Bring back FEMA
If Katrina is a preview of how Homeland Security will handle things, we are all in trouble if terrorists ever attack us. Given days of advance warning, things are fouled up beyond belief. Please put FEMA back in charge of natural disasters and consider putting Homeland Security under FEMA.
- Ed ******, Granite Bay Very, very Red area
And one of the reddest of them all
Where's the leadership?
Bodies are eaten by rats in the street. People beg for food and water. Chaos overwhelms. There's no leadership, no relief for the desperate. Across the nation, commodity prices spiral into the spectrum of obscene price-gouging.
Why didn't the administration address the critical issues immediately? Where were the strike teams that could move into affected areas, take control and tend to the needy? Looting and criminality in any post-disaster condition are predictable. The scene is reminiscent of Baghdad when the nation's treasures were looted.
Where's effective leadership that will not tolerate the cascading degradation of our country's economy in the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster? Where are our statesmen, our visionaries?
We are witnessing a complete failure of leadership.
- George ********, Ione