Speaker Hastert,
The more I read in the news or see on the television the more I am appalled. ∑ Aid from 24 nations, friendly or not, has been turned down. ∑ President Bush Visits Arizona and San Diego, makes no comments for two days. ∑ FEMA didn’t know there were people in the Convention Center in New Orleans. ∑ Busses diverted to the Hyatt Regency, picking up guests and their LUGGAGE before getting to folks trapped in the Superdome for five days. ∑ Aid from Chicago rejected. ∑ People in the Convention Center told at GUNPOINT that they could not leave. ∑ People also told they could not leave the city of New Orleans! ∑ Bush taking photo opportunities surrounded by National Guardsmen and their vehicles, preventing them from actually helping people. ∑ Reporters from FOX NEWS, generally accused of being too soft with this administration calling the administration out on their lies. ∑ No sign or word of Vice-President Cheney. ∑ Papers needed to deploy the National Guard did not come from Washington until late THURSDAY! ∑ Red Cross ordered not to enter NOLA by the National Guard. ∑ Geraldo Revera and Shepard Smith need to BEG for the people to get help; Crying and begging on national television. ∑ Halliburton hired for storm clean-up. The same people overcharging us in Iraq. ∑ Gas prices steadily rise 85 cents in one day. ∑ Questions posed in the press; wondering if the aid and support had been suppressed until Bush arrived, allowing for a grander entrance.
I am amazed, angry, stunned, saddened, shocked and disgusted! This is not an economically ravage country in South East Asia. Not Indonesia, Thailand, or Sri Lanka. This is the United States of America. This is the greatest country in history. This is how it treats its citizens? President Bush is obviously not fit for the task. VP Cheney is nowhere to be found. As the third in line for the leadership of this great nation, I beg you, no, I INSIST that you demand the immediate resignation of President Bush, Vice-President Cheney and their cabinet. Take over. Show the world that the USA actually cares for and takes care of its citizens. Show the world that the USA can have a leader who can put politics, policies, and photo opportunities behind him when a crisis arises, and respond with compassion.
Do the right thing, Mr. Speaker. The American people expect nothing less.