This thread:
"Must Read - A "flotilla of aid" TURNED BACK from New Orleans...Explain! posted as a Diary on Daily OKs
BUT some additional information is added at the end which now seems quite obvious:
Just to give you a sense of just how badly FEM has f*caked up.This is beyond my comprehension and after spending two frustrating days trying to just get someone to let us help we've FINNALLY been told we can conduct "renegade" boat rescues via the just concluded press conference that Gov. Blanco just held.Why is this JUST NOW being allowed? Well let's start from the very beginning.
On Wednesday morning a group of approximately 1,000 citizens pulling 500 boats
Sheriff Lee and Senator Gautreaux - 1000 of Louisiana's citizens responded to the public's pleas for help. They were prevented from helping by Dwight Landreneau's agency, the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries which had been taken over by FEM. When I learned that Charity Hospital has not been evacuated and that no one has been there to attempt a rescue, I became angry.
It was because of this that my friend and I have been trying launch boats both yesterday and today but to no avail. It looks like FINALLY the Governor has just said SCREW FEM, get those boats in the water and help save my citizens.
So I think we'll be in the water tomorrow to help but for now I'm immensely frustrated.
If there is anyone on the CCN that is in the Baton Rouge area we are meeting today at the LA State Dem Party HQ at 2pm CST to game out tomorrow. links to FEMA blocking boat rescues certainly is believable consider we learned this today: