Edited on Sat Sep-03-05 09:23 PM by NRaleighLiberal
talking point of the week. Nope, there is another one - REFUGEES. Whoops, one more - WHY DIDN'T THEY EVACULATE? and perhaps the greatest of all, WE COULDN'T HAVE FORSEEN THIS
Our talking points - Complete and utter failure of leadership. Storm of the experienced magnitude and breaching of levee widely predicted beforehand, and scenarios known for years Eating cake, playing the guitar, shopping for shoes while the disaster unfolded. Wednesday - what? there are people in the Convention Center? FEMA leader utterly clueless, criminally clueless Fake photoops when the great visit occured - concern from airforce 1, girls turned for the camera shot, food cart hastily set up then removed, the levee shot. Impeach now, if not prison now