YES or NO ? Will the Repubs repeal the estate tax on Tuesday ?
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Sat Sep-03-05 09:23 PM
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YES or NO ? Will the Repubs repeal the estate tax on Tuesday ? |
When they come back into session? Or will they wait a few days until the "fever" has gone down just a little? No doubt, they have been salivating just thinking about saving all their ill-gotten gains for their lazy bastard off-spring, since they have been on their August vacations? Will they spit in the face of Americans and pass it anyway - to hell with what anybody says? Yes or no?
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Sat Sep-03-05 09:26 PM
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1. Yes and Social Security will be gone... |
I betcha the patriot act privisions will be un-sensetted too. It'll all be in an omnibus spending bill.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:39 AM
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