I wish I could send money to help the people in New Orleans, or that I could have gone to support Cindy in Crawford or a myriad of other things that can really make a difference, but I simply cannot. Sometimes the feeling of impotent rage makes me nearly insane as I try to finish my degree, care for my family etc., when I really want to be doing something to help facilitate change. So with that in mind I thought of the little things that I can do, and one of them made me feel much better. On Sunday when I go to church, the cash I drop into the collection basket will all have bible verses written on them and how George Bush has failed to live up to them (Since I'm not particularly religious this one took some research). When I shop, I will pay in bills with bush quotes/crimes or lies on them and I will write the web addresses for progressive sites on my $. Maybe this is stupid, maybe it is a waste of time, but in some small way it makes me feel better. Anyone else have some tiny acts of rebellion to reccomend?
Peace be with you, McCtatas
Oh yeah, it's legal, I checked:)