If there is any group that has outdone itself in seeing that aid has been sent quickly to the suffering, mostly Black victims of Katrina, it has been our Black Conservative brothers and sisters. "The Democratic party takes Black Folks for granted" "The Republicans want to help get rid of the welfare state mentality so that we can stand up on our own 2 feet" "The Republicans want to make the Black voting populace a major priority in the coming years" Yes we have heard it all and you have certainly stepped up to the plate.
So now that a signature moment has arrived in the development of Black Conservative thought where you can demonstrate what compassionate conservatism really means, think that we ought to honor you for all the strings you have pulled on our behalf and how you have spoken out about our plight. I especially like the press conference you guys gave the other day. No, that the the Congressional Black Caucus. But I really liked the way you have been criticizing the federal response from a faith based level. No that was Black clergy from Jesse Jackson to Calvin Butts. But I really, really appreciated how Don King got on national TV and said our dear president doesn't like Black people. Ummm...no, that was Kanye West. Jeez, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS????
No worries though. I understand how being a Black conservative is hard work and that many of you having been moving heaven and earth to assist our people. In fact, I think we should start a Hall of Fame so that we can forever acknowledge your contributions to this very dark moment in Black American History.
Here are my nominees....Feel Free to add your own.
Condi Rice-Automatic Induction. No vote necessary. It would take a huge set of balls for a White person to go shopping for $700 come fuck me pumps while the the black heart of the Gulf Coast was weeping. But this sista actually went above and beyond the call of duty by also going to see a Broadway show. Nothing says "Helping my peeps" like going to see Spamalot. Goddamn, if you were going to chill in NYC while our folks were drowning, at least you could have seen Madea goes to Jail!!!!!! And the creme de la creme of all of this is that she announced she's coming on home to Alabammy, while acting indignant about all the talk of racial inequality.
Colin Powell- What can I say? This homeboy of mine can give a distorted powerpoint presentation about Iraq at the UN but can't utter a word to speed up aid to Black folks here. You would think that Georgie Boy would owe you one after you helped him achieve his biggest wet dream. I mean after all, the national guard is in Iraq instead of the Gulf Coast because of your fine work. Oh I forgot, you got used like a $2 crack whore who after acting like the admin's bitch has been reduced to muttering about regretting some of the decisions you've made in your life. I sure our people in the Bronx are damn proud of the way you spoken out and the injustices going on after Katrina.
Kenneth Blackwell- What's up Ken? You would think that stealing an election would get you some props in seeing that our people are taken care off. I'm sure that seeing our people stripped of a right they earned in blood could give you an inside track in seeing that the Army convoys got there while hundreds were dying instead of thousands. I'm sure our brothers and sisters in Ohio will remember your stalwart efforts on our behalf when you run for Governor.
Armstrong Williams- **crickets chirping**. Sorry, money is needed to aid the hurricane victims. I don't have a spare $250 grand to give you to speak out for us.
Join the party...add your own choices. I want to make sure that we forever enshrine the contributions of this new wave in Black political thought!!!
BIG :sarcasm: