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FBI snipers and the Administration's mind-set.

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Pepperbelly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 07:26 AM
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FBI snipers and the Administration's mind-set.
Nero said that the convention center was 'secured.'

We hear that theme over and over. Take control. Secure. Not rescue. Not rebuild.

And then yesterday I heard an FBI honcho discussing why the FBI sent snipers and assault teams to N.O. He claimed that there were assets vital to our national security that had to be secured. Then he described how the FBI, DEA, et al went in, ninja style, to secure and defend those locations, like they were holding back the Germans at Bastogne.

Was the initial mind-set of the feds invader/oppression or was it rescue, relief, and rebuilding?

Why? Did they misunderstand, did they understand something that we didn't or was it something else?
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Z_I_Peevey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 07:28 AM
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1. The American people are the enemy.
The Constitution is the enemy. Truth is the enemy. Money and power are their gods.
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Mayberry Machiavelli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 07:33 AM
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2. This is insane BS. Of course there would be lawlessness after days
of neglect, starving desparate people.

You go with a FORCE. Idiots with guns will melt away or drop their guns when they see a big force. Problem solved. Distribute food and water, rescue at will.

Ummm... why isn't a big FORCE available again? Where are they? Oh, that's right.

Is the part of the Louisiana and Mississippi National Guard that isn't in Iraq ALL called up yet? If so, why not? Is anyone discussing or reporting on this issue?
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