I think I pissed off my mother.
She called this morning to say she and my dad wouldn't be out to visit. They live in Minneapolis, I live in NE-PA. They were going to drive out, but with gas prices and fears of gas shortages - they changed their plans. She said they may come out in October by plane - but it depends...
This led the conversation to Katrina. (aside - yeah mom and dad voted for bush - both times...) She said she couldn't understand why people were upset with bush -- it's not like he caused the hurricane.
My reply - he sat on his butt and did nothing. There was enough warning about the storm, FEMA and the feds could have prepared better - but they didn't.
Mom: but no one could have predicted the levee's would break
me: Check your e-mail later, I'll send you a gazillion articles dating back 3 years or more citing that in the event of a big hurricane/storm the levees could break -- they had warning, they knew, and bush cut the budgets anyways
----the conversation then turned to gas prices
me: yeah, they are high here too, and dumping more crude oil into the mix isn't going to bring down prices
Mom: what else could bush do about it?
me: for one thing he could make 55mph mandatory across the nation, institute rationing -- same thing Carter did during the gas embargo
Mom: but that would take congress, and they were out of session
me: no - they were in session, and they passed $10billion in aid -- and whether or not they were in session is besides the point - bush or even Frist could have called a special emergency session -- they did it to put a feeding tube back into Terry Shaivo .... they certainly could have done the same for a freaking hurricane and the gas crunch...
Mom: I gotta go now, talk to you later
as I was typing this - my partner just asked "wanna move to Canada?"