Has anybody constructed a time line of events and definitions of things that will simplify this. When were the calls for help placed and by who? When was a response given and when was action initiated on that response? When an area is declared a disaster area by a county,state or federal level person what does it mean and what resources are then available? Who has the authority to commit national guard troops from other states?
This is what I have: 8/27 FEMA says to evacuate. 8/27 Greyhound stops service to the coast areas. 8/28-29 Katrina makes landfall. 8/30 The levee in N.O. breaks. 9/1 Astrodome in Houston full, people diverted to other facility. 9/2 Gov. Blanco sends a follow up letter to the WH asking for support. I don't know when the first letter was sent. 9/2 Hospital ship leaves MD, will stop in FL to be supplied. 9/2 WH request federal control of LA, governor refuses. 9/3 Last person is evacuated from Superdome.
I know George ate cake and played the guitar, put in a round of golf and photo oped in San Diego. I know Condi caught a play and went on a shopping spree in NYC. I know Dick Cheney has not been heard from. That is what is getting to me, all of the personal stories of who was seen where, but what is the time line of the case. I am loosing the facts and the time line here, and I do not know the definitions and how they are applied when it comes to things like state of emergency or disaster area.