Our priest's sermon this week ran a gamut.
Be THANKFUL for what you have - You could lose it in an instant.
That's not just the people of New Orlean's, it is everyone living in America. Give until it hurts, then give some more because you'll still be much better off than these people. Compared television scenes with missions he's visited. Concentrate on helping people now, and when it's all over, demand answers - becaused we're all responsible for how we treat the least among us. How did this happen? Why were so many abandonded? Ultimately we are repsonsible for how we treat others - it is what we are judged upon....
Second collection next week for Hurricane victims.
As you said repeated many of the points brought up by DU.
I think these memes are far reaching - across denominations, across religions. These are things being discussed in ALL places of worship this weekend - Jewish, Christian, Islam, Buddhist, etc.