Edited on Sun Sep-04-05 11:23 AM by SoCalDem
The first "catastrophe" I remember was JFK's assassination. It was UNAVOIDABLE. there were only 3 networks on TV way back then (in the days before remotes). If you wanted to listen to the radio or watch TV, that was ALL that was on.
Of course we all sat transfixed in front of those flippy black & white sets. We absorbed EVERY moment of it..for DAYS..
Probably a lot of people watched the tsunami footage because it was "over there" , and resembled a "reality show".
I would bet that somewhere out there, there are people who have "heard about a flood or something in New orleans", but that's as far as it goes..
Today's media allows citizens to totally tune out important events in their own country. It's little wonder that there are so many uncaring and isolated people. They have the option of "opting out".
Is is possible to avoid all the "icky" stuff, and if you want to cling to an idealized image of what we are, or think we are, all you have to do is pick up the remote.
This same mentality is what allows evil, ignorant people to rise to powerful positions. Our own *² talks all the time about how "haaaard" it is to "work" at being president, and how haaaard his people work...
It IS hard work to stay on top of all that goes on, and it's so much easier to tune it all out, and focus on one single issue that determines your political "flavor"..