This is by far the worst natual disaster to ever hit the United States,And I am a republican who has
voted 4 times for the Bush Presidents but this President droped the ball on his own people, The response to a problem of this magnitude in our own country makes me very happy the Iron curtain fell, a nuclear explosion this administration could never handle! I wonder what the response would have been like if George W. Bush was still looking at another
term in office. 9/11 was a disaster,but this was caused by the human race inflicting pain and suffering among it's own species not like this which has killed
without discretion right from the start! The very young,the very old,black,white,hispanic,animals and
every possible living creature for months or even years to come! This is America's wake up call it's time to take care of our own people and property first,foremost and without such terrible delay we are the richest most modern society on this planet and
Pain and suffering should not be allowed among our own people when we are ALWAYS the first country to
help and respond to such tragic events world wide,this is the east coast of our homeland not Iraq or Afganistan thousands of miles away.I
just can't believe this is home and they must feel thousands of miles away due to this response! Thank You. David G. Munn
David G. Munn 816 W. 18th st. Tempe,Az. 85281 (Sent Sep 3, 2005 10:28:22 PM)