is a crook and the people of NY, particularly the victims' families of 9/11 still want him held accountable for his failure to protect that city, already hit by terrorists in 1993, from another attack.
He spent eight years lying to the people of NY, telling them they were in the safest city in the world, despite all the evidence to the contrary, coming from the trials of the 1993 bombers, from terror experts, from the uncovered 'tunnel plot' and eventually the 'millenium plot'.
The only reason he was visible that day was because the bunker he built to protect himself and his cronies should there be an attack, was in Building 7.
His approval ratings in NY were at 25% before 9/11. PR turned this excuse for a human being into some kind of hero. What did he do? The heroes of that day were the first responders, many of whom died because they did not have the proper communication equipment.
NYers are still waiting for hearings regarding his role in what happened ~ meantime he has profited shamefully from 9/11.
He was also present at the London bombings ~ and associated with the 'terror exercises' that took place there. This man needs to answer some serious questions. He is a perfect choice for the Bush administration, though. I agree with that.