The last thing I need is seeing George again today doing "photo ops". Watching that bastard run down South again to pose is bad enough but the goddamn canned "labels" and platitudes are now more than the usual nauseating. They are an insult. How can anyone listen to that shit anymore. We now have an "army of compassion" swarming New Orleans. Bullshit. We have military with guns and "rescue operations" that are umpteen days to late and more than a damn nickle short.
Spin, spin, spin....the same old Rove shittin' spin. Bodies are floating by; but we get spin. And there is still this useless bastard trying to do the "can't blame me 'cause I'm new to this" routine!!! How come other presidents can hit the ground functioning; but this excuse for a human being is always whining that you can't expect things from him because it's all so new. For Christ's sake America, how can you stomach this loser any more.
Let's call it what it is: America's Black/Poor Holocaust. Go spin that to the world, America. About time to look in the mirror and admit just how ugly we are.