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Reeps call for scheduling of 2008 Convention in NOLA?

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elehhhhna Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 04:32 PM
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Reeps call for scheduling of 2008 Convention in NOLA?
Edited on Sun Sep-04-05 04:34 PM by elehhhhna
AN excellent idea! If fact, I think they should have their convention on live feed from several locations, so as to commemorate the best moments of the Bush Administration :

New New Orleans : Reminding us of their heroic pleas for the "patience" of Tens of Thousands of dying citizens, the vast majority of them TAX PAYING citizens & the working poor. Special salute to KBR for rebuilding contract through 2045.

Boogiefuck Mississippi: See above. Don't forget the "Blame the Gov. of Louisiana Party", where she and the Mayor of NO are "roasted" for damage they exacerbated in THREE STATES! What mighty, awesome powers!

Crawford: Where the Bush Administration ignored the August 8, 2001 PDB

NYC: IMPORTANT--the Convention must begin on September 14 , to commemorate GW's "inspirational" appearance at Ground Zero in 2001.

Baghdad: "Bring It On" Fireworks Show, midnight.

other venues to be announced as they're booked.

"No single step would go further to dramatize the GOP's commitment to rebuilding New Orleans than announcing now that the party's 2008 convention will be held in the recovering city."
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mcscajun Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 04:44 PM
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1. This made me gag.
Edited on Sun Sep-04-05 04:49 PM by mcscajun
From the same site/article:

" administration whose FEMA director knew less about on-the-ground conditions in the stricken city this week than the average TV viewer has a real vulnerability.

It will only address that vulnerability with a performance in coming days and weeks that is more in keeping with the GOP's image as the "daddy party," the party of competence, the party that can be trusted in times of crisis. That is the main thing."

:wtf: The "party of competence"? The "party that can be trusted in times of crisis"? WHO the Fuck does this person think they're kidding??? :eyes: :grr: :puke:

The only reason they'll try and hold their convention in N.O. come 2008 is for the same reason they held the 2004 convention in N.Y.C. -- to capitalize on and exploit the tragedy there. Bastards.

As IF New Orleans would WANT Them there after this. :grr:

Fuck them...all of them.
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GoBlue Donating Member (930 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 04:45 PM
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2. dramatize the GOP'
As KKKarl said is all about acting the part.
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meganmonkey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 04:46 PM
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3. LOL - Could they possibly get a worse reception than they did in NYC last
Edited on Sun Sep-04-05 04:46 PM by meganmonkey
year? :rofl:

If they have the 2008 in New Orleans, we'll find out!

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