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US telcoms apparently refusing collect calls from stranded Britons

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Benbow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 04:46 PM
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US telcoms apparently refusing collect calls from stranded Britons
And a number are still trapped at the Ramada Hotel in NO, it seems.

You're on your own, Britain's victims told
Mark Townsend
Sunday September 4, 2005
The Observer,6903,1562517,00.html

British families trapped in New Orleans last night claimed that US authorities had refused to evacuate them as Hurricane Katrina approached the city.

Although assistance was offered to US residents, British nationals were told they would have to fend for themselves. According to those who remain stranded in the stricken city, police had visited hotels and guest houses on the eve of the hurricane offering to evacuate Americans, but not Britons. ...The British who were left all thought the police would come back, but nobody has. They have just been left,'


Other Britons are, apparently, stranded in the hotel. However, contact with the outside world remains haphazard. There is a payphone in the hotel lobby, but US operators have been refusing to accept collect calls from stranded Britons. 'Some of them are just hanging up even after they have explained they are trapped in New Orleans. It's like - what emergency?' said Scott. He added that conditions in the lobby were described as atrocious, with sewage up to knee level last night.

Most of those inside have not dared to venture downstairs for fear looters will spot them and ransack the hotel.

Dead Britons don't talk, eh? But their families will raise hell with their Members of Parliament, and presently America will be in Iraq on her own.

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SmokingJacket Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 04:50 PM
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1. These stories are totally out of control.
Can this be true???
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JanusAscending Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 05:13 PM
Response to Reply #1
Last night on CNN I saw them being interviewed!! They were up on the roof of the hotel. They also have two dogs with them, which **** will probably order to have shot!!! They are running out of food and water, but are too afraid to be seen, 'cause they don't want to be sent to a shelter. They just want to get home!! If the soldiers or police find them, they'll have no choice!! Someone who knows the process, should contact the British Consulate for them!!! I doubt that the dogs belong to the brits, but to some American visitors at the same hotel, because of the UK rules on animal quarantine laws!
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fooj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 04:54 PM
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2. Who the hell can even sputter that this is not Shrub's responsibility?
Who? Tell me who!

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