I could post a list of about 100 things that make me sick about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, but I'll stick to one:
I am sick to death of people in the media and politicians who suggest that Chimpy was ill-served by his deputies, that FEMA and Chertoff didn't do their jobs, and that advisors like Card and Rove didn't -- in the words of that GIGO dump of a commentator, Tweety -- go in and tell the president he'd better do something fast.
There is a lot of blame to go around, but in the immortal words of Michael Dukakis, "A fish rots from the head first." How much longer will people make excuses for this incompetent fool? Isn't five years of it enough?
I am glad to see that some Dems are fighting back, and bravo to Landrieu and especially Blanco, whose hiring of Witt was one elegant send-up of that cavalcade of jokers now masquerading as a government . . .