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Is someone going to challenge Trent Lott in 2006?

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fricasseed_gourmet_rat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 06:07 PM
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Is someone going to challenge Trent Lott in 2006?
This question was just posted on dailykos a few minutes ago, and I'm intrigued. Does he have any challengers? Does Mississippi have a single strong Democrat who could be a potential candidate? After all, I've been hearing that "everyone south of Jackson is a Democrat now." Of course, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but Lott's support of FEMA's tepid efforts could really bring the old racist bastard down.
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Prodemsouth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 06:27 PM
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1. They had a Mike Moore,, their AG. I don't know. I would not say
everyone south of Jackson is a Dem now. I don't think white southerners are going to bolt from GOP. Miss is the most conservative state of them all in the south. The south as a whole I think is pretty much GOP solid. They will not like to admit that they have been wrong. White men, well white men anywhere, esp young and middle aged don't like to admit they are wrong. They will not say they have been following idiots all along. If you are looking to increase strength in the Senate and House I would suggest you look at Republican Seats in places where Dems win. Go after people like Chafee, Snowe. Senate Dems might also be able to pick up seats in PA, and red Montana, and perhaps OH if voting problems are fixed. But the key is to focus on those races where you stand a chance. In Rhode Island, Bush is more unpopular there than anywhere else. Why not make the case to RI voters to get rid of Chafee, same with Snowe in Maine. Your more likely to win up there than down here, where the monkey worship is rampant.
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