... blind copied by a friend who was getting hate mail from a genuine Free Republic FReeper:
Re: How do you feel NOW, dumbass?
Instead of hearing what we had to say about Bush, you called John Kerry a coward, mocked Max Cleland, blamed everything but herpes on Bill Clinton.
You enabled Bush.
Well, motherfucker, you must be so proud that alligators have been feasting on Biloxi Republicans and New Orleans Democrats -- some of them still alive at the time of their consumption -- and there isn't a single member of Al Qaeda or the nefarious Chinese Nuclear Missile Corps in sight. You must be thrilled that the urban and exurban poor, unable to afford a bus ticket out of the Gulf region, let alone a car, were left to fend for themselves against a Category 4 hurricane and four days of its aftermath -- homeless, flooded, with no electricity, no potable water, no help from overwhelmed local and state authorities and NO FEDERAL DISASTER RESPONSE.
Your hero Bush sure looked like an ass-monkey yesterday, promising to build closet whitesheeter Trent Lott's house as he gladhanded his way through a mess which has stunned FOX reporters. I mean, Shepard Smith is calling Fox's talking heads liars ON THE AIR.
How do you feel NOW, dumbass -- knowing that YOU HELPED CAUSE THE FAILURE TO RESPOND TO DISASTER?
Fuck you. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart.