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For me, an explanation of Tweety's guests

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chaumont58 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-03-03 11:22 AM
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For me, an explanation of Tweety's guests
From today's media horse:

"(Chris Matthews found Schwarzenegger's admission of assault against numerous women "refreshing," noting to Senator Diane Feinstein that, while Schwarzenegger might have assaulted women, he at least admitted it, whereas President Clinton lied about a consensual affair initiated by Monica Lewinsky. Don't ask us to explain under which rules of logic the mind of the cable news media whore operates. But it should be fascinating to see how Tweety will defend Arnold Schwarzenegger's admiration for Adolph Hitler.)"

I have never been able to understand why putative Democrats such a DiFi or Biden continue to appear on Tweety's show. As California Democrat, I stopped voting for DiFi because of her appearances, and sent her office an email with that breathless news.
Tweety trashes Democrats 24/7. He has been especially harsh on Gray Davis. He even spent some time out here, blathering his nonsense with impartial commentators such a Pat(former Democatic Pollster) Caddell and Peggy Nooner. How the Nooner would possess any special knowledge about California is something only Tweety knows. Caddell worked for Richard Riordan's repukelican campaign in the sping of 2002.
I have come up with a reason for DiFi's appearances and Biden's appearances, and even Holy Joe's. The appearances enhance their DC social life. I don't think Tweety has an audience worth the bother he gets even in these rooms. His Nielson ratings are below the radar screen. They are less than 200,000 households nationwide. That doesn't translate to much in a nation of almost 300 million people.
Tweety and his camp followers get together in DC social settings, stroke each other's genitals and tell themselves what great servants of the people they are.
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dennis4868 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Oct-03-03 11:31 AM
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1. Ever Since Tweety....
beat up on Gore before and after the 2000 election I stopped watching him on a consistent basis. Every now and then I will watch him for a few minutes here and there. It really is not worth anyone's time to take to watch his hardballs. H e puts on so called democrats know they are really repubs but the TV monitor says Democratic pollster, stategist, etc...It is just a front. His show is a propoganda machine of the Bush thugs. It is really incredible the hate that man has for Clinton. It's almost like Clinton has murdered his wife and kids. It's that kind of hate. Really weird. Scraes me and my wife. Whenever there is bad news about Bush he always seems to bring in Clinton's penis. It really is amazing. I mean my wife and I are watching, someone makes a negative comment about Bush or some other repub and then he yells....."oh yeah, what about Clinton lieing about his affair with Monica?" Okay, what does that have to do with mot finding WMD in Iraq. He scares me.

Tweety is seriously a sick person and really needs professional help. If Clinton had created this mess in Iraq, lied about the Iraq threat, ruined the economy and gave reporters the name of someone wife who was working under cover he would yelling on the top of his lungs for impeachment of Clinton (or Gore for that mattter)!
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