I can't take credit for this; it was written by a friend of mine:
Okay, say you are poor and living in NO. You don't own a car. You make $10,000 a year. You have a wife who is seven months pregnant, and a toddler daughter. It's four days until payday, and you have $20 left to your name.
Say you want to evacuate NO. Your options are:
1. Rent a car. NO! Not with your income, and not without a major credit card, so nix this. Besides, how are you going to pay to fill up the tank with gas to get the 80 miles to Baton Rouge?
2. Buy Greyhound bus tickets for the two of you (child can ride in a lap). From Lafayette to Baton Rouge is $32, one way, I just checked. No service from NO. I don't think they did have service from there, so you'll have to find a way to get to Lafayette first, no way. Besides you have about $20 until payday. So not enough for the bus tickets AND eating.
3. Get a ride with someone, help pay for gas. How are you going to do that AND eat on $20? And get a ride with whom, exactly? Everyone you know and work with is as poor as you are, and they all walk or ride the city bus to work, too.
4. Walk. Yeah. It's EIGHTY MILES. How far are you going to get with your pregnant wife and toddler? And you've got to eat on that $20.
5. Stick out your thumb and hitch. You are poor and black. Best of luck to ya. That's also quite dangerous.
6. Let's say you WERE to somehow magically, miraculously get to Baton Rouge. The Poverty Fairy took you on her back and flew you there with her gossamer wings. How are you going to pay for a hotel room? You can't. So you find a homeless shelter? Sleep on the street? So now the only difference between here and NO is the water, basically. Oh and there's no flying Poverty Fairy, so nix this, too.
7. OR you could stay in NO and hope for the best. Maybe you could climb up on your roof if the water got too high. You could make sure you had a few bottles of water Sunday night, just in case, maybe buy an extra pack of diapers. I mean, surely if things WERE that bad, help would be there right away, right?
Am I missing anything? Please note this family is healthy and young. I didn't even mention older people or people with health/medical problems who wouldn't even be able to consider anything but option seven. And even the healthy young family is, in the end, stuck with option seven.
Feel free to pass this on to whomever you know who doesn't seem to understand how people in poverty just can't get up and leave.