Since the Senate has gone to recess, a lot has changed in this country. It is not too late to revisit some legislation that now, in hindsight, looks, …I don’t know… SOO "Pre-Katrina".
Bankruptcy reform must be updated. All the people in the Gulf States whose homes have been reduced to rubble, yet whose mortgages continue in robust health MUST be given relief from the worst of the regulations (which were ill advised to start with).
Conservation MUST be properly addressed in the energy bill. The wetlands might have made a difference in the severity of the damage.
The "earmarks" have to be stripped from the highway bill so the funds can be properly distributed to where it is so clearly, so desperately needed.
And Please, Please, Please.. No more unconscionable gift tax breaks to those whose comfort is so secure as to the point of absurdity. No "Paris Hilton" estate tax cut. In fact, a significant rollback of some of the earlier giveaways is in order.
It has become clear that the rush to privatization is not good for the health and welfare of America’s citizens and that there are things that corporations, in their amorality and allegiance to the bottom line, cannot be called upon to provide.
The current maladministration has been clearly exposed as the "empty suit" that it is, and it is past time for the American People, in the persons of their elected representatives, retake the power that is rightfully theirs.