For all of those who voted for the republican party, I hope you will see the error of your ways. I know you felt you were pro-life and needed to vote your conscience. I know you hate gays and the 'threat' they personally represent to your marriage. Maybe you felt safety was the big issue since * went AWOL, but Kerry "faked" his injuries.
When you vote for one issue above all others, this is what happens. You can NOT vote narrowly disregarding each and every other issue. You can NOT ignore issues just because you think they will not directly effect you.
Yes, I know you are out there and I have heard you talk with such self-righteousness but now is the time for your talking to stop and for you to listen. YOU voted because they knew they could hold your attention with that one thing. YOU ignored the fact that plants were brought in to lie about the hero of the opposing party. YOU looked at your wallet or YOUR morals and did not stop to think, or care, how that vote would effect others.
Your vote did effect others. You voted in a man who put another country before the one he was sworn to protect. He diverted funds that would make us safer, in order to spread a democracy that looks like it is more and more likely to never take hold. The lack of funds left the levee vulnerable. The lack of reinforced levee drowned people in our negligence. The lack of preparedness on your leader's part is now leading to thousands of deaths in New Orleans.
And your vote is, indeed, effecting you and me for that matter. Our gas prices have gone way up. I am sure you have noticed that when you visit the gas stations. The high gas prices are already starting to creep into every other aspect of our society as well.
If you were one of the ones voting for the 'culture of life', I hope you will now put down a hand to help your fellow man who has been put in a position where they can not function in a society with such a hard economy created by the person you voted for.
When you vote, you can not have tunnel vision because no matter why you are voting, the other issues will effect our country and those around you - and perhaps, like now with gas prices, you as well. You may have thought you were voting for anti-abortion legislation or 'morality' clauses so gays may not marry, but what you vote for encompasses so much more. No matter how you think you are voting, you are doing so on the full package, on EVERYTHING. This is not a cafeteria plan where you get to choose. This is what you voted for. I implore you to educate yourself on every issue and vote for the country and not just for yourself. Please, please look at all issues next time. People's lives may be depending on you.