SOMEONE has GOT to get in Chimpy's face. Someone has got to break through the "fourth wall", the one that allows this bastard protection from the real world. He's physically protected by the Secret Service, but his greatest protection is, simply put, respect for the office of the president. That's why journalists will only go so far as to say things like "are you satisfied sir with the pace of the rescue and recovery efforts down in New Orleans"....instead of asking him directly and plainly, "why did you play a guitar, eat cake and play golf for two days before returning to Washington??"
I just - for my own sanity - have got to see an unplanned, unchoregraphed moment in George Bush's day. I need to see someone get right up in his face...ANYONE...someone who somehow breaks down that wall. He waltzes from one staged event to another and never meets real citizens, real people with real concerns which they deserve to have answered. This was never more important than right now. :mad: