Clutching onto black garbage bags, paper sacks and "Don't Mess With Texas" plastic bags of belongings, busloads of Hurricane Katrina evacuees arrived in Texarkana on Saturday afternoon.
The buses transported about 500 people who were evacuated from New Orleans, according to estimates from Texarkana chapter of the American Red Cross and Texarkana, Texas, Police Department officials.
Many of the evacuees still had a stunned disposition nearly a week after the worst natural disaster in American history.
After lying down on the bed briefly, Bryant, dressed in a floral purple house coat, a white T-shirt and flip flops, got up and neatly smoothed her sheets out again. Her eyes welling with tears, she recounted some details of her harrowing stay at the Superdome.
"The bathrooms filled up and there was feces everywhere, even on the walls," she said. "We started using big boxes. I saw a lot of things I never expected." www.texarkanagazette.com