On September 4th you wrote "A more prompt physical presence in the Gulf region by Bush would have been prudent from a public-relations standpoint. He certainly got to Ground Zero in Manhattan in short order." What a craven and seemingly heartless pile of spin from your pen on behalf of the president. A prudent response from President Bush would have saved lives. Prompt command and decision making by leaders during a national crisis are made for the good of all not positve poll numbers. The president is suffering the slings and arrows of outrage and dissent because he failed to lead while many in New Orleans and the rest of the Gulf Coast died a slow and miserable death. So to even suggest that the highest and best reason to lead our country is to reap the benefits of good press and not for the cause of saving American lives is beyond my ability to discuss it without anger and rage.
You also said, "In that way, it's similar to Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush's history writers must put aside their pens and wait for awhile to see how things play out. His legacy hangs in the balance." Bush's legacy, like a concrete foundation for a home in Spanos Park, has been formed, graded, poured and finished. The editor of Editor and Publisher has described the president's failure to save lives "a dereliction of duty." President Bush will forever be known as the man who read a children's book while terrorists flew planes into the WTC and who plucked a guitar while New Orleans sunk into hell following Hurricane Katrina.
Some advice to you sir. I do not begrudge you and your publisher's support of conservative values and public policy on the pages of the Record. But to continue to spin and excuse President Bush failure of leadership hurts your cause. Cut your losses and seek another messenger.