You know I ALMOST joined the National Guard
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Mon Sep-05-05 01:16 AM
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You know I ALMOST joined the National Guard |
Back when I graduated High School I had no aspirations to go gung ho and join the military or anything like that but I thought after reading over the duties of guardsman "hmm it's basically the official militia of the country or at least your state" I mean the duty is to protect the nation or at least your state in case of foreign invasion or disaster and quite frankly that's something I would do anyway! I mean anyone able would more than likely do that too.
I'm 23 I'd still be willing to join if in fact this were true. Events like this normally would be enough to encourage people to join up to go help out much like 9/11 encouraged many young would be "avengers" to join the marines.
All I can say is I am glad I didn't join nor will ever join after seeing what the government can do to a person when they sign an enlistment form...I feel horrible for those who did I just can't express how much sorrow I feel for anyone in uniform right now regardless of what branch of the military they serve...
Stupid rant but I just wanted to get it off my chest how I wish I could just join up right now so long as my service would be to AMERICANS not to the bush crime family and not to a nation looking to build a new Islamic Republic.
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