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Next time you hear someone say "Oh but Louisiana didn't ask for help"

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kenny blankenship Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 07:21 AM
Original message
Next time you hear someone say "Oh but Louisiana didn't ask for help"
Or say "Katrina was bad because Louisiana's Governor got in the way and she wouldn't give up control"

ask these questions as a reply:

So, you're saying that Gov. Blanco delayed Federal relief efforts from getting to Mississippi TOO? Because things were just as slow and screwed up there. Did she threaten to shoot down airlifted supplies getting to Mississippi? How could she do that? Blast trucks on the interstates north of the Gulf coast states with tanks and helicopters? How?

This is their escape strategy -- to smear Blanco as some "ditzy broad" and "ultra control freak liberal" who "just doesn't get it" and who got in Bush's way.
We have to point out the gaping holes in the logic or they WILL ram this view through the media successfully. The media are very uncomfortable blaming Bush for anything; even when all they are doing is stating some facts, if those facts reflect poorly on Bush, a way is found to make someone else to blame or to pretend there is no knowing the facts. Someone has got to take the rap for this catastrophe. Rove won't stop planting lies (as with the WP story) until that someone is identified as a Democrat, and unless there's no way out, the media will comply. We have to leave them no way out.
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MadeinOhio Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 07:22 AM
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1. He sat by and laughed and ate cake. And then he let FEMA torture them in
Inside of the dome. He's a disgrace of a bastard and must resign. :grr:
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displacedtexan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 07:35 AM
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2. And the next time they try to blame the NO mayor...
for not using the school buses, show them this...

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