whether we can stop BushCo depends on how many people are REALLY, REALLY pissed off, disgusted, and ready to take REAL action . . . I have a hunch it's a LOT . . . what we need to do if find a way to channel that outrage into something very specific that will cause the Democrats in Congress to quake in their wingtips and actually stand up to BushCo for fear of the repercussions if they don't . . . we need to put the fear of God into our "representatives" in Congress . . .
for example . . . a campaign to deliver one million hand written (or typed with hand written signatures) messages to the Democrats in Congress DEMANDING that they do one very specific thing . . . for starters . . . (these folks have a grading system for constituent communications, and hand written letters get a 10, whereas an e-mail gets a 1) . . . these people have never SEEN, or even contemplated, one million personal letters, all telling them to do the same thing . . . OR ELSE! . . .
the demand has to be one that reflects the outrage of the moment and finds broad support among the larger American public . . . possibilities that have crossed my mind include:
- introducing Articles of Impeachment; - demanding a filibuster of the Roberts nomination; - demanding immediate hearings concerning the BushCo response (or lack thereof) to Katrina (we have tons of evidence of malfeasance); - demanding repeal of the new bankruptcy law; or - setting a date certain for withdrawel of US troops from Iraq.
I'm sure there are others . . . the idea is to pick ONE, and move with it, quickly, efficiently, and massively . . . the initiative should involve all of the grassroots organizations from MoveOn to the Camp Casey folks, national organizations like the NAACP, celebrities on tv urging people to participate, and every other tactic known to humankind . . .
the objective would be to exert such immense grassroots pressure that those receiving the letters could do nothing but stand up and say "Yes Sir!" -- it has to be that big, and that powerful . . . the implicit message will be "Since you're not doing your jobs, we're going to tell you what to do -- and you damned well better do it!" . . .
and after we've won the first battle, we'll move on to the next one . . . immediately . . .
yes it's ambitious, yes it's massive, yes it requires people to actually DO something other than signing an online petition or sending a form e-mail . . . but if we don't think that the cause is important enough to actually exert the energy required, then we're not serious about retaking control of our party and our nation and defeating BushCo . . . and we won't have any right to bitch about what they're doing to us . . .